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Justdropped.com Newsletter

This newsletter updates nightly at 12:05am EST except on Sunday, and 12:00am on Our Mobile App.
Check your time zone here. New domains update at 12:05am New York time. Domains do not update on Sunday.

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Justdropped.com Domain Newsletter Purchase Instructions:

1. Click the BUY ME link and complete the payment.
2. The price you see is ALL you pay! This is not an auction!
3. Domain transfer instructions are sent when your payment is verified. May take up to 7 hours.
4. You will have possession of the domain within a few hours!
5. I make this so so so simple!! Need a different payment method, email me!
6. Check out all of our reviews Click Here.
7. You need to hurry, these domains sell out quick!!
8. Resell any one of these domains for thousands of dollars!
9. Try our app on your iPhone OR iPad - download to your device here.

Need to reach me: 954-594-3888 (I really answer!)
Skype: danrubin3

Saturday, 07-27-2024

Justdropped.com Newsletter Domain List - To Purchase Simply Click the BUY ME link

BUY ME > AutumnFrog.com $99 (makes an INCREDIBLE BRAND!)
BUY ME > BajaBedAndBreakfast.com $99 (I give them 5 stars!)
BUY ME > BingoPlease.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,900!)
BUY ME > BlessedMushrooms.com $99 (the mushroom space is HOT!)
BUY ME > CaliforniaPawnBrokers.com $99 (AWESOME GEO!)
BUY ME > CannabisDiploma.com $99 (PERFECT for the cannabis vertical!)
BUY ME > CheckMyLink.com $99 (.net/org/info TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > ControlYourBloodSugar.com $99 (makes a PERFECT app!)
BUY ME > CoolerStorage.com $99 (we keep it cool for you!)
BUY ME > CornerCurio.com $99 (Estibot.com value $3,500!)
BUY ME > CushionRunningShoes.com $99 (AWESOME AMAZON product domain!)
BUY ME > CyberPhotoBook.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,200!)
BUY ME > DaddyBoxers.com $99 (order a pair here!)
BUY ME > DigitalDamsels.com $99 (.net/org TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > ElectronicHeaters.com $99 (time to get warm!)
BUY ME > ElephantPendant.com $99 (Estibot.com value $3,000!)
BUY ME > EuroWalkers.com $99 (join us for a nice walk!)
BUY ME > FamilyLawyerNJ.com $99 (LOVE it for the legal vertical - Estibot.com value $2,800!)
BUY ME > FixThisProblem.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,500!!)
BUY ME > FreeSpaceMedia.com $99 (.net/org/info TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > FungiShroom.com $99 (for the psychedelic market!)
BUY ME > GetAroundLondon.com $99 (LOVE it for the travel and tourism vertical!)
BUY ME > GoodMorningPictures.com $99 (.net/org TAKEN - Estibot.com value $2,800!)
BUY ME > GradeAMarijuana.com $99 (only the finest!)
BUY ME > GuitarDefender.com $99 (LOVE it for the music vertical!)
BUY ME > HampersToHangers.com $99 (.net/org/info TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > InterestingTidbits.com $99 (you will find this interesting...)
BUY ME > ItsGoodToBeAlive.com $99 (it sure is!)
BUY ME > KaraokeInstrumental.com $149 (Estibot.com value $8,200!!)
BUY ME > LiberatingEducation.com $99 (.net/org TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > ProjectPhp.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,600!)
BUY ME > PyloricStenosis.com $99 (Google it - Estibot.com value $6,300!)
BUY ME > RenegadeApes.com $99 (makes a GREAT BRAND!)
BUY ME > RunSomeErrands.com $99 (.net TAKEN - call us, we will go for you!)
BUY ME > RussianFlavors.com $99 (for the culinary world!)
BUY ME > SelectiveElectrical.com $99 (IDEAL domain for an electrical business!)
BUY ME > SoutheastInvesting.com $99 (AWESOME GEO!)
BUY ME > SugarlessDelights.com $99 (YUMMMM, for all the diabetics!)
BUY ME > SuperiorWill.com $99 (nice one!)
BUY ME > SurveillancePhotography.com $99 (Estibot.com value $1,900!)
BUY ME > TemporaryInjunction.com $99 (PERFECT for the legal vertical!)
BUY ME > TidyGoose.com $99 (LOVE the BRAND - very CATCHY!)
BUY ME > TntVending.com $99 (products exploding with flavor!)
BUY ME > TranslateForUs.com $99 (transcription service!)
BUY ME > TvWallBracket.com $99 (Estibot.com value $5,500!)
BUY ME > WayOutOfControl.com $99 (you must know my kids...)

Listed below is the list from 07-26-2024 - To Purchase Simply Click the BUY ME link

BUY ME > BotanicaTopia.com $99 (makes an AWESOME BRAND!)
BUY ME > BringMeYourOffer.com $99 (bring me your offer!)
BUY ME > CouponAttic.com $99 (AWESOME domain for a coupon site!)
BUY ME > Curioxity.com $99 (short, catchy and HIGHLY BRANDABLE!)
BUY ME > Dadato.com $99 (short, catchy and HIGHLY BRANDABLE!)
BUY ME > EssentialOilsMassage.com $99 (sign me up!)
BUY ME > FixMyAsphalt.com $99 (.net TAKEN - asphalt repair!)
BUY ME > FlyingFears.com $99 (learn how to get over your fears!)
BUY ME > GentlyUsedAppliances.com $99 (save a few... .net/org/bix TAKEN!)
BUY ME > GettingMoreCustomers.com $99 (we teach you how - Estibot.com value $1,800!)
BUY ME > GlutenFreeCaterers.com $99 (allow us to cater your next event!)
BUY ME > GodsAdvice.com $99 (you should take it...)
BUY ME > GreenRecyclingBins.com $99 (order one here!)
BUY ME > GuideToHemp.com $99 (learn all about this HOT cannabis product!)
BUY ME > Herbination.com $99 (makes an AWESOME BRAND for the cannabis market!)
BUY ME > HousePosters.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,500!)
BUY ME > HowToStartaFire.com $99 (.net TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > iKnowWhatiWant.com $99 (.net/org TAKEN - Estibot.com value $2,400!)
BUY ME > InLustWithYou.com $99 (great phrase for a tshirt!)
BUY ME > JesusChristAndMe.com $99 (.net/org REGISTERED - own the .com!)
BUY ME > Kaveko.com $99 (short, catchy and HIGHLY BRANDABLE!)
BUY ME > KickAssBudz.com $99 (.net/org TAKEN - perfect for the cannabis vertical!)
BUY ME > LoveToHateIt.com $99 (love this one!)
BUY ME > MakeHimCrazy.com $99 (great product domain!)
BUY ME > ManageMySafety.com $99 (stay safe!)
BUY ME > MelatoninSupplement.com $99 (.net TAKEN - Estibot.com value $3,300!)
BUY ME > OttawaBankruptcyLawyers.com $99 (AWESOME GEO for the legal vertical!)
BUY ME > Phoune.com $99 (SHORT and CATCHY - Estibot.com value $2,400!)
BUY ME > Qatrik.com $99 (makes an AWESOME BRAND!)
BUY ME > SavingYourPennies.com $99 (we teach you how!)
BUY ME > Scollie.com $99 (short, catchy and HIGHLY BRANDABLE!)
BUY ME > SelectiveArts.com $99 (makes an AWESOME BRAND!)
BUY ME > Skobber.com $99 (short, catchy and HIGHLY BRANDABLE!)
BUY ME > SpecialUsePermit.com $99 (apply for one here!)
BUY ME > StarlightCBD.com $99 (.net/org/us ALL REGSTERED - CBD is HOT!)
BUY ME > StomachBloating.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,400!)
BUY ME > StrictlySecrets.com $99 (share your secrets here!)
BUY ME > TableLanterns.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,600!!)
BUY ME > TapestryRod.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,900!)
BUY ME > TechnoHunk.com $99 (NICE one for the tech vertical!)
BUY ME > TopWindowFans.com $99 (.net/org/info/us TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > UglyPotato.com $99 (makes an AWESOME BRAND!)
BUY ME > VegetarianChicken.com $99 (order it online here!)
BUY ME > VotingStrategies.com $99 (.net TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > Waxello.com $99 (CATCHY and HIGHLY BRANDABLE!)
BUY ME > WePamperYourPet.com $99 (pet grooming, doggie day care!)
BUY ME > WhatsMyMentalHealth.com $99 (.net/org/info REGISTERED - own the .com!)
BUY ME > WhiskyCritics.com $99 (makes an INCREDIBLE BRAND!)
BUY ME > WildAndGroovy.com $99 (that's me!)
BUY ME > WorldClassJazz.com $99 (come and listen to some jazz here!)
BUY ME > WrestlingFigurines.com $99 (AWESOME Amazon commission domain!)
BUY ME > Xirpix.com $99 (SHORT and CATCHY - .net/org/info TAKEN!)
BUY ME > Xoous.com $99 (5 letters, pronounceable and a DEAL!)
BUY ME > YourAutoHealth.com $99 (LOVE it for the auto vertical!)
BUY ME > YourFinanceMatters.com $99 (for the finance vertical!)

Listed below is the list from 07-25-2024 - To Purchase Simply Click the BUY ME link

BUY ME > AdultSocialSports.com $99 (.net/org TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > AllUseful.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,200!)
BUY ME > ArcticLearning.com $99 (for the education vertical!)
BUY ME > AskNowPsychics.com $99 (they are waiting for your questions...)
BUY ME > BelieveJustBelieve.com $99 (.net/org TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > BellasBiscuits.com $99 (YUMMMM - makes an AWESOME BRAND!)
BUY ME > CannabisSelection.com $99 (PERFECT for the cannabis market!)
BUY ME > CareersWithoutCollege.com $99 (.net/org both REGISTERED - own the .com!)
BUY ME > CheckForTypos.com $99 (check for typos - LOVE IT!)
BUY ME > ChronicIndigestion.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,600!!)
BUY ME > ComputerProphet.com $99 (LOVE the BRAND!)
BUY ME > ConvertToChristianity.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,000!)
BUY ME > DancingWithDignity.com $99 (makes an AWESOME BRAND!)
BUY ME > DinnerInaHurry.com $99 (when you need it QUICK!)
BUY ME > DressForTheOccasion.com $99 (for the clothing retailer!)
BUY ME > EnvironmentalEmployment.com $99 (Estibot.com value $7,500!)
BUY ME > EssentialErrands.com $99 (.net TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > FeelingMotivated.com $99 (for the health and fitness vertical!)
BUY ME > FigurineUrns.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,200!)
BUY ME > GettingToCommitment.com $99 (good luck with that...)
BUY ME > GodKnowsMe.com $99 (he knows us all!)
BUY ME > GratefulToGod.com $99 (I am so grateful!)
BUY ME > HowToWriteaSynopsis.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,400!)
BUY ME > Jooxie.com $99 (short, catchy and HIGHLY BRANDABLE!)
BUY ME > KarateWarehouse.com $99 (for all your Karate needs!)
BUY ME > LearnToRollerSkate.com $99 (we teach you how!)
BUY ME > LegSwelling.com $99 (Estibot.com value $3,200!)
BUY ME > MaintenanceFacility.com $99 (nice one!)
BUY ME > MapOfCalifornia.com $99 (.net TAKEN - Estibot.com value $3,400!)
BUY ME > MyPhatAss.com $99 (Estibot.com value $6,700!!)
BUY ME > OrientalFabric.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,500!)
BUY ME > ParamedicGifts.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,400!)
BUY ME > PhotoStability.com $99 (Estibot.com value $3,000!)
BUY ME > ProtectYourBones.com $99 (for the bone doctor!)
BUY ME > PulloverJackets.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,200!!)
BUY ME > PuppyChewy.com $99 (.net/org/info/biz/us ALL TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > RainyDayCleaning.com $99 (call us on the next rainy day!)
BUY ME > RecordaLine.com $99 (.net/org/info/biz TAKEN!)
BUY ME > RoundPlacemats.com $99 (Estibot.com value $3,100!!)
BUY ME > ScubaDivingToronto.com $99 (.net/org TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > Skaffel.com $99 (short, catchy and BRANDABLE!)
BUY ME > SoftwareMedics.com $99 (we repair your broken software!)
BUY ME > StandUpForAll.com $99 (.net/org TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > TalkThatOut.com $99 (.net/org/info TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > TheBusinessSaviour.com $99 (.net/org/info/biz TAKEN!)
BUY ME > WeCanArrangeThat.com $99 (we can arrange that!)
BUY ME > YesterdayIsGone.com $99 (but tomorrow is coming...)
BUY ME > Zozyo.com $99 (5 letters, pronounceable and a DEAL!)

Listed below is the list from 07-24-2024 - To Purchase Simply Click the BUY ME link

BUY ME > AccessMyDesktop.com $99 (for the computer vertical!)
BUY ME > AssuranceAssist.com $99 (makes a great BRAND!)
BUY ME > AutoCorrelated.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,500!)
BUY ME > BasicPianoChords.com $99 (learn them here!)
BUY ME > ChainPendants.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,100!!)
BUY ME > ChickenCrush.com $99 (CATCHY one!)
BUY ME > ChickenCutlet.com $99 (YUMMMM - Estibot.com value $2,800!!)
BUY ME > CoffeeTableSet.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,600!)
BUY ME > ConfidentialStamp.com $99 (GREAT Amazon commission domain!)
BUY ME > ConsultingModel.com $99 (Estibot.com value $3,000!)
BUY ME > CookingCookery.com $99 (makes a GREAT BRAND!)
BUY ME > CookingCopilot.com $99 (PERFECT for the culinary vertical!)
BUY ME > CopperLadle.com $99 (Estibot.com value $4,500!)
BUY ME > DepressionAnalysis.com $99 (analyze your depression!)
BUY ME > DigitalWristwatches.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,500!)
BUY ME > EscapeTheAbuse.com $99 (help is available!)
BUY ME > ExquisiteMasonry.com $99 (another AWESOME BRAND!)
BUY ME > FinancialManaging.com $99 (for all your financial needs!)
BUY ME > FreeTaxAttorney.com $99 (IDEAL domain for the legal vertical!)
BUY ME > FunkyBracelets.com $99 (LOVE THE BRAND - Estibot.com value $2,700!!)
BUY ME > GetItRightHere.com $99 (get it right here!)
BUY ME > HelpfulShrooms.com $99 (they really help!)
BUY ME > ImpossibleToGet.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,400!)
BUY ME > ItsJustDelicious.com $99 (yummmm!)
BUY ME > Kertle.com $99 (short, CATCHY AND BRANDABLE - Estibot.com value $2,800!)
BUY ME > KnowingTheOdds.com $99 (get the advantage here!)
BUY ME > KnowYourAbility.com $99 (know your ability!)
BUY ME > MadeForIdiots.com $99 (go ahead and give it a try...)
BUY ME > MagnesiumMalate.com $99 (Estibot.com value $4,100!)
BUY ME > MilitaryMentalHealth.com $99 (a great resource website!)
BUY ME > MoronicMonkey.com $99 (AWESOME BRAND and my wife's nickname...)
BUY ME > NationsCatering.com $99 (makes an AWESOME BRAND!)
BUY ME > NewVideoReleases.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,600!!)
BUY ME > OptimizeMyFeed.com $99 (nice one!)
BUY ME > OttomanSlipcovers.com $99 (EXCELLENT product domain!)
BUY ME > PaydayLoanMoney.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,800!)
BUY ME > PerfectionFloors.com $99 (LOVE it for a flooring business!)
BUY ME > PositiveMindHealth.com $99 (for the health and wellness vertical!)
BUY ME > PristineCleanWindows.com $99 (CALL us for pristine clean windows!)
BUY ME > PromotionalNotepad.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,800!!)
BUY ME > RelationshipMechanic.com $99 (we can FIX your relationship!)
BUY ME > RemixProgram.com $99 (Estibot.com value $3,800!)
BUY ME > ReversibleBelt.com $99 (great Amazon product domain!)
BUY ME > RoosterDinnerWare.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,200!)
BUY ME > SafeTravelTours.com $99 (PERFECT for the travel vertical!)
BUY ME > SalonChoices.com $99 (makes an INCREDIBLE BRAND!)
BUY ME > SectionalSlipCovers.com $99 (AWESOME product domain!)
BUY ME > SimplyScrunchies.com $99 (we carry a full line of scrunchies!)
BUY ME > ThePsychedelicBakery.com $99 (YUMMMM - for baked goods that take you to space!)
BUY ME > YardEnthusiasts.com $99 (lawn and landscaping business!)

Listed below is the list from 07-23-2024 - To Purchase Simply Click the BUY ME link

BUY ME > AdvantageCarParts.com $99 (.net/org both REGISTERED - own the .com!)
BUY ME > BajaScooters.com $99 (makes an AWESOME BRAND!)
BUY ME > Cameralistics.com $99 (Google it!)
BUY ME > CoronaVirusTelehealth.com $99 (.net/org/info TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > CribRecall.com $99 (Estibot.com value $7,000!!)
BUY ME > CritterProblems.com $99 (for the pest control vertical!)
BUY ME > ElectricHorn.com $99 (order one today!)
BUY ME > EverythingIsYours.com $99 (.net/org TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > EzMentoring.com $99 (makes an AWESOME BRAND!)
BUY ME > ForgetAboutUsed.com $99 (.net/org/info/us ALL TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > ForYourMentalHealth.com $99 (mushrooms, cannabis - nice one!)
BUY ME > FunctionalLanguage.com $99 (Google it!)
BUY ME > GlobalAerobics.com $99 (makes an AWESOME BRAND!)
BUY ME > Grizzin.com $99 (short, catchy and HIGHLY BRANDABLE!)
BUY ME > GuiltlessGoods.com $99 (order them here!)
BUY ME > Heazie.com $99 (short, catchy and HIGHLY BRANDABLE!)
BUY ME > HideMyTattoo.com $99 (hide your tattoos!)
BUY ME > InternetSOS.com $149 (need some help on the internet?)
BUY ME > JewelryDrill.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,800!)
BUY ME > KneePhysicalTherapy.com $99 (Estibot.com value $3,800!)
BUY ME > LetsCutToTheChase.com $99 (catchy and common phrase!)
BUY ME > LightThePathway.com $99 (makes a GREAT BRAND!)
BUY ME > LookAtMyWork.com $99 (look at it online!)
BUY ME > LosingPatience.com $99 (it happens to the best of us...)
BUY ME > MarijuanaBudder.com $99 (the cannabis space is HOT!)
BUY ME > MasterYourSkills.com $99 (master them here!)
BUY ME > NaughtyLizards.com $99 (makes a COOL BRAND!)
BUY ME > Oddeu.com $99 (5 letters, pronounceable and a DEAL!)
BUY ME > PeopleFundingPeople.com $99 (crowd funding!)
BUY ME > PetSmellRemoval.com $99 (call us to remove the smell!)
BUY ME > PickledGreens.com $99 (YUMMMY - order them here!)
BUY ME > PriceExtractor.com $99 (extract the best price!)
BUY ME > qBello.com $99 (.net TAKEN - short, catchy and BRANDABLE!)
BUY ME > QuoteThePrice.com $99 (call us for a FREE quote!)
BUY ME > Qwovo.com $149 (5 letters, pronounceable and a DEAL!)
BUY ME > ScentMastery.com $99 (.net/org/info TAKEN - fragrance business!)
BUY ME > SeedSubscription.com $99 (seeds delivered to your door monthly!)
BUY ME > SexyBackground.com $99 (Estibot.com value $7,500!)
BUY ME > SmallBusinessDirectories.com $99 (Estibot.com value $6,200!)
BUY ME > StandUpForChrist.com $99 (.net/org TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > TastyTenders.com $99 (YUMMMM - makes a DELICIOUS BRAND!)
BUY ME > TenantHunter.com $99 (looking for a new tenant?)
BUY ME > TheBestPricesAround.com $99 (we offer the best prices around!)
BUY ME > TheSecretOfGiving.com $99 (.net/org/info TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > UnifiedHealingTherapy.com $99 (.net TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > UpInTheLoft.com $99 (this one is CATCHY!)
BUY ME > WeCollectForYou.com $99 (collection agency!)
BUY ME > Zumman.com $99 (short, catchy and HIGHLY BRANDABLE!)

Listed below is the list from 07-22-2024 - To Purchase Simply Click the BUY ME link

BUY ME > AccountabilityAgreement.com $99 (.net TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > BlanketTrunk.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,100!)
BUY ME > CanadaHauling.com $99 (AWESOME GEO!)
BUY ME > CraftyCamping.com $99 (get crafty with us!)
BUY ME > CustomMadeCharms.com $99 (we make them custom just for you!)
BUY ME > DuckDefenders.com $99 (short, catchy and BRANDABLE!)
BUY ME > DvdDocumentaries.com $99 (Estibot.com value $4,700!!)
BUY ME > GottaGetMeSome.com $99 (gotta get me some!)
BUY ME > HempWranglers.com $99 (the hemp market is HOT right now!)
BUY ME > HockeyLogic.com $99 (learn how to play hockey!)
BUY ME > Hugaslot.com $99 (.net TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > IncredibleCupcakes.com $99 (YUMMM - makes an AWESOME BRAND!)
BUY ME > InternationalBurgers.com $99 (YUMMMM!)
BUY ME > InvitationWizard.com $99 (perfect for an invitation business!)
BUY ME > KnowYourMetabolism.com $99 (IDEAL domain for a health app!)
BUY ME > MagnificentPizza.com $99 (for the culinary vertical!)
BUY ME > MailboxSlots.com $99 (Estibot.com value $3,900!)
BUY ME > MarijuanaNook.com $99 (sounds like a dispensary to me!)
BUY ME > MarineLifePictures.com $99 (Estibot.com value $3,400!)
BUY ME > MaternityQuestions.com $99 (all your questions answered!)
BUY ME > MeltingPenguin.com $99 (NICE BRAND!)
BUY ME > MushroomSphere.com $99 (mushrooms are all the rage!)
BUY ME > NationalFacilitator.com $99 (nice one!!)
BUY ME > OddButterfly.com $99 (makes an INCREDIBLE BRAND!)
BUY ME > OffGridEducation.com $99 (.net/org TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > OntarioFinancial.com $99 (AWESOME GEO!!)
BUY ME > PropertyIntro.com $99 (LOVE it for the Realtor!)
BUY ME > ProtectingNature.com $99 (learn how!)
BUY ME > RankingRankers.com $99 (CATCHY one!)
BUY ME > ReliableAutomobiles.com $99 (our vehicles never fail!)
BUY ME > RenaissanceChiropractic.com $99 (AWESOME BRAND for the Chiropractor!)
BUY ME > Roteus.com $99 (short, catchy and HIGHLY BRANDABLE!)
BUY ME > SheepskinCondoms.com $99 (Estibot.com value $6,300!!)
BUY ME > Snooxs.com $99 (.net TAKEN - short, catchy and BRANDABLE!)
BUY ME > SportsWagerUSA.com $99 (place your wagers here!)
BUY ME > StrictlyShoes.com $99 (makes an AWESOME BRAND!)
BUY ME > SuperSportWagen.com $149 (Estibot.com value $13,000!!)
BUY ME > TalkDirtyToYou.com $99 (our ladies are waiting for your call...)
BUY ME > TattoosForGuys.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,800!!)
BUY ME > TemperedGlassDoors.com $99 (we offer a wide selection!)
BUY ME > TheCoolBreeze.com $99 (.net TAKEN - own the .com!)
BUY ME > TrackYourAppointments.com $99 (perfect domain for an app!)
BUY ME > TypesOfSnakes.com $99 (Estibot.com value $3,000!!)
BUY ME > UndergroundAccess.com $99 (Estibot.com value $2,100!!)
BUY ME > VacationZilla.com $99 (perfect for the travel vertical!)
BUY ME > VideoByDrone.com $99 (get the best shots with VideoByDrone!)
BUY ME > WhyQualityMatters.com $99 (.net TAKEN - own the .com!)

Want to see more of my great domains, click here

How to Purchase: If this is your first time buying from us simply click the BUY ME link next to the domain name to purchase it. Once payment is confirmed we will transfer the domain to you instantly. All domain pricing within this newsletter is valid for seven days. After seven days pricing is changed to reflect retail domain prices. If you want to see what some of our previous customers have to say click here.
Hey Dan, how do you locate all of these awesome domains? Shhhh, here is my secret - Try it now FREE for three days by clicking here. I will be removing this free trial soon so take advantage today! All domain purchases are final, we do not issue refunds once you purchase a domain. I repeat, ALL SALES ARE FINAL!
Questions? I am reachable anytime! Call me I am standing by waiting for your call! 954-594-3888
AIM = danrubin02
SKYPE = danrubin3
EMAIL = dan (at) justdropped.com

Links We Suggest

Office: 954-594-3888
Email: dan(at)justdropped.com
AIM: danrubin02
2211 SW 102 Drive
Davie, Florida 33324

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